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- maSamManis
- Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
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My Black Cyprus
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Yusuf Islam
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Allah says: "O you who believe, follow not the footsteps of the devil" (24:21). Songs with music, are the “recitation” of Shaytaan..Shaytaan, the enemy of Allah makes music and musical instruments attractive to the wrongdoers, and if it comes from a beautiful lady or a handsome guy, than it is likely to make his “recitation” more attractive to them, thereby replacing the joy of the Glorious Qur’an with the joy of listening to music.
Music is haraam, there are no two views on this matter. It makes hypocrisy grow in the heart just as water makes crops grow. Allah says: “And of mankind is he who purchases idle talks (i.e. music, singing) to mislead men from the path of Allah…” [Luqmaan 31:6]
Listening to music is Fisq (rebellion, evildoing) and enjoying it is kufr (disbelief). The Prophet (saws) said: “Among my ummah there will certainly be people who permit zinaa, silk, alcohol and musical instruments...Allah will destroy them during the night and will let the mountain fall on them and transform them into monkeys and pigs, who will remain so till the day of resurrection.." (al-Bukhaari - no. 5590).
Music is even worse when the lyrics speak of love and describe physical beauty. Well yes, music is way more intoxicating than khamr! The fact that Music is everywhere nowadays is the difficult avoiding it, would take a great deal of determination..but in the end its worth our efforts, right!
May Allah strengthen our hearts & help us keep away from those actions that displease Him, aameen..
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